Press Release – May 26, 2017


Central California online marketing firm offers free website performance evaluation with newly developed in-depth 25-point scan.

Madera, CA, May 26, 2017 – California based internet presence company offers free website mobile retrofit check-up for central valley businesses. If you have a website, you probably keep getting all those emails from website designers, from Search Engine Optimization “experts”, from “we’ll put you on the first Google search page” fly by night web gurus. More recently, you may have received emails from Google itself, advising you to make your website mobile-ready or “responsive”.

To reap the benefits from the advent of mobile web browsers and the freakishly fast US market penetration of smartphones (not including tablets): from 27% in 2010, to a staggering 81% in December 2016 (source:comScore), Workingarts Marketing, Inc. developed a 25-point in-depth website checkup to ensure your website loads up correctly on all devices, and has the correct embedded codes to make sure your website is properly harvested by the leading search engines and always available, particularly for companies that embrace always-on behavior.

During the entire month of June 2017, Workingarts will review your website at no charge and will issue your organization a report detailing the issues that may exist on your website, with suggestions utilizing the latest web technologies, and website retrofitting advice for faster website loading, better web visibility, standards compliance, and improved ranking in your industry searches.

”Our proprietary 25-point web scan helps level the playing field, in a very competitive Internet market, were smaller companies, with tighter resources, can increase their web visibility more effectively” says Frederic Martin, CEO of Workingarts, “web standards are rapidly moving targets, and not all trends are worth your attention, but the mobile web revolution is now a fact and your internet assets had better be up to snuff for your online business to stay relevant and your company to compete effectively on the internet”.

To take advantage of this limited time offer, visit or call 559-662-1119.

Workingarts Marketing, Inc. established in 2001 in the California central valley, is a leading provider of online presence, marketing and IT services, with customers ranging from small businesses, associations, government agencies, to large multinational companies. Workingarts can be reached at or call 559-662-1119 to schedule your free website technical review.


Press Contact:
Frederic Martin, CEO

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